Newsletter No. 20 | 2011
  - Important orders - Upcoming events
  - New project implementations - Past events
  - Completed FATs and SATs - Other news
  - Efacec Automation products and solutions  
Important orders
EDP Distribuição - Portugal
Efacec Automation received two important orders from Portuguese EDP Distribuição, the Electric Power Distribution Operator.
Long Island Power Authority - US
Efacec ACS will supply an integrated real-time distribution and outage management system (DMS/OMS) and establish standards-based advanced automation solutions for the Long Island Power Authority (LIPA).
ETESAL - El Salvador
Efacec ACS has continued to be the main provider of RTUs for the transmission company in El Salvador, ETESAL S.A. de C.V. On September 30, Efacec signed a contract for the delivery, installation and commissioning of six (6) CLP 500 automation systems.

During the third quarter, Efacec do Brazil Automation Business Unit received several orders in the area of power network management and automation, namely:
- COELCE, Ceará – automation and protection systems for 8 substations,
- AMPLA, Rio de Janeiro – substation automation systems upgrade at 20 substations,
- ELETRONORTE, Maranhão, Pará, Rondonia – automation and protection systems for 3 substations,
- AMAZONAS ENERGIA, Amazonas – automation, protection project for one substation,
- CEB, Brasilia – automation and protection system for one substation,
- ENERSUL, Mato Grosso Sul – control centre upgrade.

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New project implementations
Efacec improves and modernizes the energy remote control system for REFER - Portugal
During the third quarter of 2011 Efacec Automation concluded several projects with REFER, the Portuguese public company responsible for technical management of national railway network infrastructure.
Efacec supplies substation automation systems and remote units for several
EDP substations - Portugal

Efacec has recently finished a set of projects within the scope of distribution substation automation for Portuguese EDP Distribuição, relative to the installation of automation systems and of remote units.
Efacec ACS Deploys Centrix™ Advanced Feeder Automation at Georgia Power - US
As part of a centralized fault isolation and restoration pilot program at Georgia Power, Efacec ACS has delivered its innovative Centrix platform.
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Completed FATs and SATs
Efacec completes the FATs with Spanish Hidrocantábrico
During the last quarter of 2011, Efacec successfully concluded the factory acceptance tests for the first Efacec substation automation system, featuring protection and control, for Spanish Hidrocantábrico.
Efacec completes qualification test with SEC from Saudi Arabia
In the scope of the recent order from the SEC (Saudi Electric Company, the main provider of electricity in Saudi Arabia) qualification tests were performed for Efacec remote terminal unit based on CLP 500RTU platform.
Efacec performs FAT with Chilean Chilectra
During the October 2011 the Efacec Automaton received two specialists from Chilectra to perform the factory acceptance tests of two automation systems featuring protection and control, in the scope of two contracts from this company.
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Upcoming events
Efacec ACS New England User Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, US


November 2-3, 2011
This is the oldest and most successful of the company’s regional customer meetings. It will feature product updates, in-depth seminars and a user meeting for customers in the northeastern US.

Concapan XXXI, San Salvador, El Salvador  

November 9-11, 2011
Efacec ACS will be exhibiting at Concapan, the largest Central American event in the electric utility industry.

DistribuTECH, San Antonio, Texas  
Jan 24-26, 2012
Efacec ACS and Efacec USA will be well represented once again at DistribuTECH, the US utility industry’s leading transmission and distribution exposition. (...) Read more

Past events
Metering, Billing/CRM, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Efacec was present at the international conference and exhibition Metering, Billing/CRM that took place in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, on October 4-6.

2nd Annual Smart Grids Smart Cities Forum, Lisbon, Portugal
Efacec was present at the 2nd Annual Smart Grids Smart Cities Forum that took place in Lisbon, Portugal, on September 13-14. The event consisted in conferences and exhibition.
SNPTEE 2011, Florianopolis, Brazil
Efacec was present at the 21st National Conference on Production and Transmission of Electricity that took place in Florianopolis, Brazil, on October 23-26.
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Other news
The second semester of the Automation School began

On the past 30th of September began the second semester of the Automation School in the scope of the Efacec Academy. This opening event took place at the Auditorium of Arroteia and included the presence of 47 employees, 4 in-house lecturers from several Business Units (Automation, Renewables,  Engineering and Transformers) and a guest-speaker from INESC Porto , Professor Fernando Maciel Barbosa.

Efacec gives Power Quality Monitoring Training for EDP Distribuição
In the last October 21st, Efacec Automation business unit completed the training for EDP Distribuição, the Portuguese Distribution System Operator. The training was performed in the scope of realizations of the InovGrid project, and was dedicated to the “Specification of Wave Quality and Service Quality in distribution transformer controller”.
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Efacec Automation products and solutions

To consult Efacec Automation products and solutions, click here.

