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Newsletter No. 20 | 2011   
Completed FATs and SATs

Efacec completes the FATs with Spanish Hidrocantábrico

During the last quarter of 2011, Efacec successfully concluded the factory acceptance tests for the first Efacec substation automation system, featuring protection and control, for Spanish Hidrocantábrico.

Tests were performed at Efacec facilities in Maia, jointly with the customer. The scope of the tested systems included CLP 500SAS platform, the unified solution for substation automation, integrating the Efacec intelligent electronic devices (including BCU 500 units), as well as third party devices. The communication protocols under test included Modbus, IEC 60870-5-104 and also the IEC 61850 standard. Moreover, the tests of remote integration with SCADA/DMS system installed in Corredoria were performed.

The ensuing implementation at the client and related site acceptance tests (SAT) were also successfully concluded this October. SAT at the Romio substation were performed by engineers from Efacec Automation. Romio substation is expected to be in service on November 4, 2011.

The Efacec and HC team during FATs at Efacec

Efacec completes qualification test with SEC from Saudi Arabia

In the scope of the recent order from the SEC (Saudi Electric Company, the main provider of electricity in Saudi Arabia) qualification tests were performed for Efacec remote terminal unit based on CLP 500RTU platform, integrating the station server UC 500E and data acquisition units UA 500.

The tests were performed at the Portuguese Electronic Institute (IEP), including:

Electromagnetic Compatibility Tests


CLP 500RTU cabinet under the tests

IEC 61000-6-4 - Emission Standard for Industrial Environments
CISPR 22 - Electromagnetic radiation



IEC 61000-6-2 - Immunity Standard for Industrial Environments:
IEC 61000-4-2 - Electrostatic Discharge
IEC 61000-4-3 - Electromagnetic Radiated Fields
IEC 61000-4-4 - Electrical Fast Transients
IEC 61000-4-5 - Surge
IEC 61000-4-6 - Conducted Disturbances, Induced by RF Fields
IEC 61000-4-8 - Power-frequency magnetic field
IEC 61000-4-12 - Dumped Oscillatory wave

Safety Tests

IEC 60255-5 - Dielectric Strength
IEC 60255-5 - Insulation Resistance

Climatic Tests

IEC 60068-2-1 - Cold
IEC 60068-2-1 - Dry Heat

SEC representatives were positively impressed with Efacec facilities; having visited not only the IEP but also Efacec Automation and Electronic Board Production units. By successfully concluding qualification tests Efacec CLP 500RTU formally establishes compatibility with stringent SEC requirements.

Efacec performs FAT with Chilean Chilectra

During the October 2011 the Efacec Automaton received two specialists from Chilectra to perform the factory acceptance tests of two automation systems featuring protection and control, in the scope of two contracts from this company.

The first system comprises the extension of El Salto transmission substation, and is based on CLP 500SAS platform, technology integrally developed by Efacec. The platform integrates fanless station server (UC 500E), bay control units (BCU 500) and third party protection relays. All equipments included in the extension communicate in accordance to IEC 61850, and integrate the existing equipments at the substations by Lonworks and IEC 60870-5-101. The FAT time was approximately two weeks; all the tests were followed by Portuguese and Chilean engineers.

The second system is for the new Bicentenario distribution substation, and is equally based on CLP 500SAS platform. The platform integrates fanless station server (UC 500E, protection units (TPU 420), and acquisition and control units (UAC 420). The FAT time was approximately one week and all the tests were followed by Portuguese and Chilean engineers.
