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Newsletter No. 20 | 2011   
Past events

Metering, Billing/CRM, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Efacec was present at the international conference and exhibition Metering, Billing/CRM that took place in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, on October 4—6.
During the exhibition Efacec showcased the new SmartPower platform products targeted for smart grid and smart metering solutions, namely:

 - G Smart (Smart Controller / Meter Concentrator) - click here to see the catalog
 - M Converge (Head-end Software for Smart Grids) - click here to see the catalog
 - M Box (LV Single-phase Smart Meter) - click here to see the catalog

Efacec participation in this event was very successful. The exposed products received numerous visits of entities interested in them, and several demonstrations were made.

The Efacec booth

International Conference on Roadmap for the Smart Grid
Efacec was present at the 2nd Annual Smart Grids Smart Cities Forum that took place in Lisbon, Portugal, on September 13—14. The event consisted in conferences and exhibition.
During the exhibition Efacec was presenting the latest development for Smart Grids - the M Box smart meter, incorporated in live demonstration panel that included Efacec complete range of products and solution for smart grids.
Efacec participated actively in the conference as well. Mr. Alberto Barbosa, Executive Board Director, did a presentation dedicated to the “New management schemes with Smart Grid technology” and participated in interactive panel discussions between the speakers and the audience.

The Efacec booth
