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Newsletter No. 20 | 2011   
Important orders
EDP Distribuição, Portugal
Long Island Power Authority, US
ETESAL, El Salvador

EDP Distribuição, Portugal

Efacec Automation received two important orders from Portuguese EDP Distribuição, the Electric Power Distribution Operator.

The first order is for the supply and installation of an integrated solution for MV network telecontrol at 137 two-way distribution transformer substations, spread throughout the Portuguese territory. The solution is based on Efacec micro TCMT, the compact module that provides basic measurement and signaling functions, fault detection and control execution. The micro TCMT cabinet will be composed by one compact RTU, two fault detectors and one internal power supply manager.

The second order comprises the maintenance contract concerning substation automation systems, featuring protection and control, of 33 primary distribution substations. The contract is for one year, with possibility of extension for next four years. Nine of those substations are at the north region and the others at the south of Portugal. It’s the first order celebrated with EDP in the scope of maintenance contract for substations, and joints the maintenance contract for the National Control Centers, now in its 3rd year of operation. The contract assures the preventive and corrective maintenance services, hot-line service (7 days per 24 hours) and exclusive automatic help-desk service.

Long Island Power Authority, US

Efacec ACS will supply an integrated real-time distribution and outage management system (DMS/OMS) and establish standards-based advanced automation solutions for the Long Island Power Authority (LIPA). The primary objectives of this effort are to replace enhanced features of LIPA’s legacy OMS with a modern interoperable platform that also provides an electronic operating model for the foundation of advanced DMS applications.

Elements of the project, which will deploy in five phases over the next year, include:

Advanced visualization techniques, including integrated dynamic map and switching details for optimum situational awareness

Smart Grid applications for power optimization and self-healing feeders
PRISM Real-time OMS™ and StormDAM™ (storm damage & assessment management application)
The industry’s first integrated T&D model
Distribution System Simulator at SUNY-Stony Brook for research and analysis

The Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) will be deployed through a central Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) that supports the LIPA business model throughout the organization. The PRISM DMS/OMS and third–party applications will support the ESB using existing industry standards, such as IEC 61970/ 61968. Efacec ACS will also provide a Network Model Management (NMM) subsystem which will manage past, present, and future versions of the transmission and distribution integrated network model. LIPA corporate users and other applications will have the ability to subscribe to the Common Information Model (CIM)/XML-compliant model.

The LIPA Smart Grid DMS/OMS project is a partnership between Efacec ACS and LIPA, and will be executed through LIPA’s designated service provider, National Grid, in concert with LIPA’s consultants for standards-based data modeling and SOA development. Each project phase will follow LIPA SDLC process standards for implementation, reviews and approvals.

LIPA is a non-profit municipal electric provider, and owns the retail electric Transmission and Distribution System on Long Island.  LIPA provides electric service to more than 1.1 million customers and is the 2nd largest municipal electric utility in the nation in terms of electric revenues, 3rd largest in terms of customers served and the 7th largest in terms of electricity delivered.

ETESAL, El Salvador

Efacec ACS has continued to be the main provider of RTUs for the transmission company in El Salvador, ETESAL S.A. de C.V., On September 30, Efacec ACS signed a contract for the delivery, installation and commissioning of six (6) CLP 500 automation systems for the following substations: San Antonio Abad S/S, Nejapa S/S, Opico. S/S, San Rafael Cedros S/S, San Bartolo S/S and Ozatlan S/S.


During the third quarter, Efacec do Brazil Automation Business Unit received several orders in the area of power network management and automation, namely:
COELCE, Ceará – automation and protection systems for 8 substations

Efacec received an order from COELCE for the supply of substation automation systems, featuring protection and control, for eight 69/13.8 kV substations (Jucás, Sta Quitéria, Mucambo, Água Fria, Votorantim, Defiv Norsa, Cim. Apodi and Jaguaribara).
The solution for each substation is based on the CLP 500SAS platform, integrating TPU 420 protections relays, UAC 420 acquisitions and control multifunctional unit, with the IEC 61850 standard.

AMPLA, Rio de Janeiro – substation automation systems upgrade at 20 substations

Efacec has recently started a set of projects for AMPLA in order to upgrade the CLP 500SAS supervision and control system at twenty distribution substations.
ELETRONORTE, Maranhão, Pará, Rondonia – automation and protection systems for 3 substations

Marabá substation: 230/69/13.8 kV substation extension by providing the entire control and protections system for the new power transformer and complete integration with the existents systems.
Miranda substations: 230/138/69/13.8 kV substation by providing the entire control and protections system and complete integration with the existents systems.
JI-Paraná substation: 230/138/69/13.8 kV substation extension by providing the entire control and protections system for the new 230 kV power transformer and rector, and complete integration with the existents systems.

AMAZONAS ENERGIA, Amazonas – automation, protection project for one substation
Jorge Teixeira substation: supply of substation automation and protection system for 230/138/13.8 kV substation.
CEB, Brasilia – automation and protection system for one substation

Hípica Substation: supply of substation automation and protection system for 138/13.8 kV substation.

ENERSUL, Mato Grosso Sul – control centre upgrade
Control Centre: upgrade of hardware platform and ONS interface SCADA application supply.
