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Newsletter No. 20 | 2011   
Upcoming events - DistribuTECH, San Antonio, Texas

Efacec ACS and Efacec USA will be well represented once again at DistribuTECH, the US utility industry’s leading transmission and distribution exposition. Feature in the Efacec booth will be product demonstrations, including Centrix feeder & distribution automation, PRISM Real-time OMS, PRISM DMS and SCADA. We’ll also be introducing the latest in our NTX series of substation automation products.

In addition to the exhibition, the following customers will also be presenting at the conference in paper sessions on implementations of Efacec ACS Smart Grid systems:

Avista Utilities: "The Practical Integration of Feeder Volt/VAR Optimization Under Normal and Abnormal Conditions"; Wednesday, January 25 at 1:30PM

Long Island Power authority (LIPA): "Advanced Visualization in an Integrated Smart Grid Control Center"; Tuesday, January 24 at 1:00PM

