Power Systems Automation  
No. 16 - 2010

         - Important orders
         - New projects implementation
         - The Technical Exhibition of 2010 CIGRÉ Session, Paris, France
         - Participation in other events
         - Efacec welcomes REN, the Portuguese electric power utility
         - Efacec Automation Business Unit products and solutions

»» Important orders
During the third quarter of 2010, Efacec Automation Business Unit received a set of important orders, in the domain of power network management and automation, highlighting the following:
- E.ON Romania: the installation and configuration of substation automation systems in eleven distribution substations,
- Luz del Sur, Peru: the installation and configuration of substation automation systems in several distribution substations,
- Sonelgaz, Algeria: substation automation systems featuring protection and control for several substations.
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»» New projects implementation

During the third quarter of 2010, the Automation Business Unit of Efacec concluded the works regarding the 400/220/60 kV Armamar transmission substation. The substation integrates the REN’s transmission network, in the North of Portugal.

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»» The Technical Exhibition of 2010 CIGRÉ Session, Paris, France

Efacec was present at the Technical Exhibition of 2010 CIGRÉ Session (International Council on Large Electric Systems) that took place in Paris, at "Le Palais des Congrès de Paris", between the 23rd and 27th August.

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»» Participation in other events
In the third quarter of 2010, Efacec Automation Business Unit participated in several events:

- HYDRO 2010, Lisbon, Portugal

  - PORTI, Lisbon, Portugal
  - E-Energy Conference 2010, Athens, Greece
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»» Efacec welcomes REN, the Portuguese electric power utility

During the third quarter of 2010, Efacec Automation Business Unit was most glad to welcome Mr. Rui Cartaxo, REN CEO together with REN’s management team, at the Maia facilities.

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»» Efacec Automation Business Unit products and solutions

To consult Efacec Automation Business Unit products and solutions, click here.

