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Power Systems Automation     
No. 16 - 2010
»» New projects implementation

Substation Automation System for 400/220/60 kV Armamar substation, REN, Portugal

During the third quarter of 2010, the Automation Business Unit of Efacec concluded the works regarding the 400/220/60 kV Armamar transmission substation. The substation integrates the REN’s transmission network, in the North of Portugal.

The scope of our supply included one substation automation system based on the CLP 500SCC platform, integrating the Efacec human machine interface (HMI 500), automation and control units (420 product family), as well as third party protections.

The Efacec automation units and third party protections communicate with the station servers (UC 500E) through the IEC 60870-5-103 protocol. The communications with the control units are carried out according to the IEC 60870-5-104 protocol. The substation automation system communicates with the National Dispatch through the IEC 60870-5-101 protocol.

The installed solution is distinguished by its technological component, defined according to REN specification that demanded a technically complex system. All systems are functionally compatible with the solutions already implemented by Efacec in previous REN projects.

Armamar substation

Detail of Efacec solution
