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Power Systems Automation     
No. 16 - 2010
»» The Technical Exhibition of 2010 CIGRÉ Session, Paris, France

Efacec was present at the Technical Exhibition of 2010 CIGRÉ Session (International Council on Large Electric Systems) that took place in Paris, at "Le Palais des Congrès de Paris", between the 23rd and 27th August.

This year we presented the most recent updates related to Power Systems Automation. Visitors had first-hand access to demonstrations of the new versions of the BCU 500 bay controller, HMI 500 user interface and Automation Studio unified engineering environment, with which new degrees of performance in integrated automation systems.

As usual, during CIGRÉ several conferences were held in parallel. Efacec participated actively in the section B5/D2 with an article “Practical Implementation of IEC 61850 in Electric Power Systems”, written in a teamwork by Rogério Paulo (Efacec) and Fernando Matos (REN). To read the article click here.

General view of Efacec booth                   

                        Detail of demonstration
