Newsletter No. 19 - 2011
  - Important orders - Past events
  - New project implementations - Efacec Automation products and solutions
  - Upcoming events  
Important orders

During the second quarter of 2011, Efacec Automation received a set of important orders, in the area of power network management and automation, highlighting the following:

- SCADA/DMS System, Public Power Corporation, Greece
- Distribution Automation, Bescom, India
- Substation automation systems for two substations, ENE, Angola
- Substation automation systems for two substations, Chilectra, Chile
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New project implementations

Along the second quarter of 2011 the Efacec Automation Unit implemented an important set of projects, comprising systems installation and commissioning in several worldwide markets. Among all installed systems, we can highlight the following projects:

- Remote terminal units for three EDP Substations, Portugal
- Expansion of Chillon Substation, Edelnor, Peru
- Conclusion of the new Dublin Light Railway line, Ireland
- Substation Automation for EWA, Bahrain
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Upcoming events
2nd Annual Smart Grids Smart Cities Forum, Lisbon, Portugal

Efacec will be present at the 2nd Annual Smart Grids Smart Cities Forum that will take place in Lisbon, Portugal, on September 13—14.

Metering, Billing/CRM, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Efacec will be present at the international conference and exhibition Metering, Billing/CRM that will take place in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, on October 4—6.
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Past events


Efacec was present at the Symposium of Automation and Electric Systems that took place, in Curitiba, Brazil, on August 14—-17.
International Conference on Roadmap for the Smart Grid
Efacec was present at the International Conference on Roadmap for Smart Grid that took place in Bangalore, India, on August 3—4.
CIRED 2011
Efacec was present at the 21st International Conference and Exhibition on Electrical Distribution that took place in Frankfurt, Germany, on June 6—9.
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Efacec Automation products and solutions

To consult Efacec Automation products and solutions, click here.

