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Newsletter No. 19 - 2011   
Past events

Efacec was present at the Symposium of Automation and Electric Systems that took place in Curitiba, Brazil, on August 14—17.
Efacec Automation highlighted:

- Its latest ScateX+ solution for SCADA/DMS, including live product demonstrations
- The CLP 500 Automation System Platform, with a special focus on the new DCU 500 control unit
- The new compact protection and control relay, TPU 220
- Smart Grid solutions, including a demonstration of the Smart Power platform for advanced distribution automation and metering

Efacec had also participated at the seminar discussion sessions, presenting its experience at Portuguese Smart Grid and electrical vehicles charging system management projects "INOVCITY and MOBI.E experiences".

The Efacec booth

International Conference on Roadmap for the Smart Grid
Efacec was present at the International Conference on Roadmap for Smart Grid that took place in Bangalore, India, on August 3—4.
During the event Efacec India with a close collaboration of Automation unit from Portugal, presented its products and solution with a special emphasis to smart power platform designed to the Smart Grid.

The Efacec booth

CIRED 2011
Efacec was present at the 21st International Conference and Exhibition on Electrical Distribution that took place in Frankfurt, Germany, on June 6—9.
This year we presented the latest products and solutions with a special focus on Smart Grids. We showcased the full range of Efacec products from system management and HV automation, through MV and feeder automation up to the LV network.

The Efacec booth with a view of fully-integrated
live demonstration demo panel system
