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Newsletter No. 19 - 2011   
Upcoming events

2nd Annual Smart Grids Smart Cities Forum, Lisbon, Portugal

Efacec will be present at the 2nd Annual Smart Grids Smart Cities Forum that will take place in Lisbon, Portugal, on 
September 13—14.

During the event Efacec will be presenting the latest development for Smart Grids - the Efacec M Box smart meter.

We look forward to welcoming you at our booth!


Metering, Billing/CRM, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Efacec will be present at the international conference and exhibition Metering, Billing/CRM that will take place in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, on October 4—6.

During the exhibition Efacec will be showcasing for the first time its own SmartPower solutions for advanced metering.

We look forward to welcoming you at our booth!

Metering Europe 2011
