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Power Systems Automation     
No. 12 - July 2009
»» Participation in events

    - CIRED, Prague, Czech Republic
    - "4th Innovation Days", Lisbon, Portugal
    - TECNOFIL 09, Lisbon, Portugal
    - MOBI.E, Lisbon, Portugal

CIRED, Prague, Czech Republic

Efacec was present in CIRED - International Electric Network Distribution Conference that took place in Prague, Czech Republic in the Prague Congress Centre between the 8th and the 11th June 2009.

During the event Efacec presented the following solutions:
- SCADA/DMS Systems.
- Integrated Substation Automation systems, according to the IEC 61850 standard.
- Compact solutions for distribution automation.
Smart Grid solutions, as well as the participation of Efacec in the InovGrid project in Portugal. In this case we presented a demonstrating system based on the SmartGate.

It was given a special reference to Efacec's international experience, concerning the installation of Automation Solutions and the Electric Network Management.

We were also present in a Poster Session with the theme "Electric Networks versus Standard Database Networks and Architectures - The plug and play Smart Network (Smart Grid)", as well as in the conferences presenting the theme "Substations New Roll in Distribution Network Management".

General view of the Efacec booth
Another view of Efacec’s booth

Detail of the presentation system in a SmartGate
and InovGrid Project demonstration

Conference detail


"4th Innovation Days", Lisbon, Portugal
Efacec has participated in the "4th Innovation Days" event that took place in FIL - Lisbon International Fair, from the 18th to the 20th, July 2009.

During the event the Automation Unit demonstrated hardware and software development and innovation projects, either concluded or in progress, produced with the support of the European Funds.

The mentioned projects were:

Main view of Efacec’s stand
SIPSA Project - Signal Processing for Power Systems Automation
Based on DSP technology (Digital Signal Processors), this project has the main goal of developing Hardware and Software, in order to create the necessary electrical variables instruments in an Electrical Energy System.
This project developed prototypes that led to the production of new Intelligent Modules.
INTEGRA Project - Integrated Platform for Distributed Automation
INTEGRA has the purpose of developing Hardware and Software, according to the CEI 61850 norm, to be implemented in Substations automation Systems (SAS).
This project is also set to confirm the interoperability of an SAS installation amongst devices produced by different companies.
3. INOVGRID Project – Intelligent Network Management (Smart Grids)
In order to develop Hardware and Software for systems and devices in the fields of management and automation of intelligent energy networks (Smart Grids).
This project also allows this company to have an active voice in the installation of this pioneer project.
TRANSPORT Project – Development of Transmission Networks Protections
This project has the main goal of developing new protection units for the energy transmission networks.
INPACT Project - Integrated Engineering Tools for Substation Automation
This project was developed with the purpose of achieving new engineering integrated tools for protection automation and control units.

TECNOFIL 09, Lisbon, Portugal
Efacec, participated in the "TECNOFIL 09" event which took place between 17th and 20th June 2009, in the Lisbon International Trade.

The TECNOFIL 09, International Trade of Industry, Technology and Innovation, during this edition integrated 3 fairs, one of them was ENDIEL – Meeting for Electric and Electronic Sector Development, where Efacec was part of the organization committee. The TECNOFIL took place in parallel with "4th edition of Innovation Days".

Efacec was present with its own booth, where presented the products and services of its business units, as well as in the EDP booth, dedicated to the InovGrid project, presenting the Demonstration Project.

Within the scope of Demonstration Project, The Efacec Automation business unit presented its solution for Smart Grids, the SmartGate.

Among all invited guests we had opportunity to receive, we can highlight the visit of the Secretary of State for the Environment, Humberto Delgado Ubach Chaves Rosa, who visited the Demonstration Project of the InovGrid project, as well as the Efacec both.

General view of the Efacec booth
General view of EDP booth - InovGrid Project

MOBI.E, Lisbon, Portugal
Efacec participated in MOBI.E, the official ceremony of support infrastructure for Electrical Mobility. The event took place in Lisbon, in the Pavilhão de Portugal, during 22nd June 2009.

This event counted on the presence of the Prime Minister José Sócrates, as well as the Minister for Economy and Innovation and the Minister for Environment.

This initiative of the Portuguese state relies on EDP and Intelli in order to manage the support infrastructure. The industry partners, led by Efacec, included also EDP Inovação, Novabase, Critical Software and CEIIA – Centre for the Excellency and Innovation on the Mobility Industry.

Efacec presented an innovative and patented electrical load system, which development was in charge of Transports Unit.

The Automation Unit was also present with its SCADA solution for the electric power distribution infrastructure management. We also presented the SmartGate, a compact solution for automation and management of Supply Networks within the scope of Electrical Mobility, being able to control the Transformation Stations within the scope of Intelligent Networks (Smart Grids).

Within the context of Electrical Mobility, the SmartGate generates a set of supply stations electric motor vehicles, implementing the features of station state monitoring, monitoring of each vehicle load process, mainly at the level of user identification, power metering used during the load process, the process duration, beyond the power, voltage and current measurement.

Due to its versatility, the SmartGate performs as well the RTU features for the Transformation Station and the power metering concentrator of the low voltage network, within the scope of intelligent networks (Smart Grids), in which may coexists domestic and industrial consumers, as well as the independent micro producers.

The SmartGate interact with the user commercial management system of the Electrical Mobility infrastructure, as well as with the distribution network management system that supplies the network of supply centrals.
Efacec participation in the MOBI.E
The Prime Minister José Sócrates presents
the first user card of MOBI.E system, jointly with
António Mexia (President of the EDP Steering Committee)
and Luís Filipe Pereira (President of the Efacec Steering Committee)
Demonstration System, with detail of
SmartGate and SCATE X