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No. 9 - October 2008


»» Event participation
         CIGRÉ 2008
         IEAS 2008

CIGRÉ 2008

Efacec has participated in CIGRÉ 2008, the International Council on Large Electric Systems, which took place between August 24th and 29th, in Paris, France.

Efacec was present with its own booth, in which the following Units have participated: Automation, Switchgear and Power Transformers. We have received very important visits, with a very high business potential, resulting in a very successful participation.

The Automation Unit could demonstrate its range of solutions within the scope of Substation Automation, highlighting the implementations according to the SUBSTATION + concept, namely in compliance with the IEC 61850 standard.

In our booth, we demonstrated a Substation Automation System based on CLP 500, a diskless and fanless platform with a WEB based human machine interface.

We also highlighted the national and international experience of Efacec, namely in the implementation of automation and management solutions for transmission electric power networks.
Booth general view
As a member of UCA International Users Group, Efacec also sponsored UCA’s booth in this CIGRÉ event.


IEAS 2008

Efacec has participated in IEAS 2008 (International Electric & Automation Show), which took place in the Parliament Palace in Bucharest, Romania, between September 2nd and 5th.

Efacec was present with its own booth, in which the Automation and Switchgear Units have also participated.

The Automation Unit gave a special highlight to the following subjects:
- Automation Solutions for Distribution Networks, through a demonstration system based on micro TCMT
- Solutions and concepts around Substation Automation Systems (CLP 500SCC), with a special highlight for the BCU 500 and the IEC 61850 standard implementation
- Solutions for Power Network Management, through a demonstration system based on SCATE X DMS

The Automation Unit has been participating frequently in international conferences and exhibitions, in which it presents its main solutions’ innovative features, a common practice within the Efacec Group.
Booth general view