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Newsletter No. 22 | 2012   
Projects Implementations
Casablanca Power, Water and Effluent Dispatch, LYDEC – Morocco
Distribution Dispatch of Oporto, EDP – Portugal
Remodeling and expansion of Recarei Substation, REN – Portugal
Substation Automation System for Bicentenario Substation, Chilectra – Chile
Substation Automation Systems for four Substations, Corpoelec (Cadafe) – Venezuela
Substation Automation System for Bahrain International Investment Park Substation, EWA – Bahrain

Casablanca Power, Water and Effluent Dispatch, LYDEC – Morocco

The implementation of advanced, combined SCADA system based on the most recent Efacec development ScateX+ DMS for the LYDEC Dispatch was concluded. This Dispatch located in Casablanca controls and supervises the water, effluent and power distribution networks in the capital of Morocco and its neighborhood.

The central system integrates more than 560 remote terminal units (RTU) from third parties, placed throughout the networks, namely at distribution substations, switching stations, water and effluent treatment stations. Through means of standard communication protocols, such as IEC 60870-5-101 and Modbus, these RTU provide the dispatch with data necessary to effective and precise network management and operation. At the lowest level of the network all RTU and IED use generally available communication medium, such as GSM, PSTN, Radio, dedicated line.

The supplied system is based on technology integrally developed by Efacec, namely the ScateX+ DMS solution for the Control Centres.

The SCADA/ DMS advanced functions included in the system are:
- Topology Processor
- Quality of Service (QoS)
- CB Outage Reports
- Operator Training Simulator
- GIS Interface
- User Mimics
- System Mimics
- System Configuration
- Areas of Responsibility
- Video Wall Interface

This important reference reinforces Efacec presence in Maghreb Region, in the area of distribution network management and automation, where Efacec detains other important references of the SCADA/DMS systems, namely in Tunisia and Algeria.

Synoptic Diagram Example

Distribution Dispatch of Oporto, EDP – Portugal

Efacec Automation recently has successfully concluded a set of works for the EDP Distribuição, the Portuguese Electric Power Distribution Operator, related to a transfer of all Oporto control center installations to a brand new operational center. This control center operates the electrical network of northern and central area of Portugal.

With this move the control center operates in new installations, with modern and technologically advanced standards. With new functionalities implemented in the SCADA system; new communications network with a high level of cybersecurity; disaster recovery systems; more powerful operator stations; it provides excellent conditions for the network operation and supervision.

The kind of operation like this is a long and complex process. It's noteworthy that during all that time a temporary system was provided by Efacec, which guaranteed uninterrupted system operations.

Remodeling and expansion of Recarei Substation, REN – Portugal

The expansion and remodeling works of the automation system at REN Recarei substation were finished successfully during the first quarter of 2012.

The scope of supply comprised substation automation system, based on technology fully developed by Efacec, the CLP 500SAS platform, with integration of protection units from Efacec and third parties.

The Recarei substation is integrated into REN transmission network, in the North of Portugal, near Oporto, with a triple bus-bar topology at the 400 kV and 220 kV levels, and a double bus-bar at the 60 kV level.

Substation Automation System for Bicentenario Substation, Chilectra – Chile

After having successfully concluded the factory acceptance test during the last October 2011, a new Bicentenario distribution substation started its operation in the field at the beginning of 2012.

The installed system is based on CLP 500SAS platform and integrates fanless station server (UC 500E), protection units (TPU 420), and acquisition and control units (UAC 420).

With this brand new automation system featuring protection and control, Chilectra will benefit of a more reliable and efficient system, providing a better quality service to its customers.

Substation Automation Systems for four Substations, Corpoelec (Cadafe) – Venezuela

Other remarkable achievement in Latin America market, in the scope of installation of substation automation systems, is a set of works concluded for former Cadafe presently Corpoelec, the Venezuelan company responsible for energy supply in the country.

The installations were done at four distribution substations: Ayacucho, Aroa, San Vicente, and Santa Clara. The automation systems are based on CLP 500SAS, with integrations of other technologies developed by Efacec, namely Series 420 protection relays and station server units.

Substation Automation System for Bahrain International Investment Park Substation, EWA – Bahrain

Efacec has finished the installation and commissioning of the Bahrain International Investment Park Substation (60/11 kV), the second substation automation system for EWA in Bahrain of a set of 17 substations ordered.

The automation system is based on CLP 500SAS, integrating Efacec stations servers (UC 500E), Efacec bay control units (BCU 500) and protection relays from third parties.
