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Newsletter No. 22 | 2012   
Vitor Sousa - “25 years of professional experience at Efacec”

Vitor’s experience with Efacec has begun with a professional training at the Medium Voltage Equipment business unit in 87, and one later joining a professional course promoted by Efacec. He was admitted in the Automation business unit in 89, where he continues working today.

At the beginning of the career, his duties were related with configuration and commissioning of remote terminal units at the hydro power plants of Douro River in Portugal, going through railway traction substation automation. In 94, with projects in Czech Republic, his international route has begun.

The international contact with diverse countries started from 94 onwards, working in Macau, Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, Chile, El Salvador, among others. He joined several projects in both substation automation systems and network management systems for control centers, being responsible for project, configuration, as well as factory and site acceptance test.

In 2008, he becomes Automation Technical Manager, having under his responsibility substation automation projects for several clients, namely REN - the Portuguese Transmission Utility; EDM - the Power Company in Mozambique; the Electra Santiago - the Power Company in Cape Verde. At that time, he took the step to invest in his professional development by taking a university degree in Data Communication Networks and Telecommunication at ISMAI (the Maia Superior Institution, Portugal), an initiative that received full support by Efacec.

The course choice was motivated by the will to improve expertise in the area and to apply new knowledge and skill in his daily work. The ISMAI was chosen by its preferential location, giving best way to consolidate professional and family life, on the other hand by availability and readiness shown by teachers to students.

This university degree allowed him to undertake new challenges, new projects, ever more complex and motivating, and on the other hand, undertake greater responsibility and autonomy.

“Investing in people, their know-how and competence increases the competitiveness and productivity of the business unit”, adds Eduardo Augusto, Efacec Automation Operations Director, “It also has a disseminating effect to other colleagues, enriching the teams and improving the customer service”.

In Vitor’s opinion, we should continually bet on our training as human being and as professionals. It allows development of our skills and capacities, being prepared to give a better response to professional requirements, and also adding recognition and acknowledgment from supervisors, promoting a successful and fulfilling career.
