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Newsletter No. 22 | 2012   
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Technical Exhibition of 2012 CIGRÉ Session - Paris, France

Efacec will be present at the Technical Exhibition of 2012 CIGRÉ Session (International Council on Large Electric Systems) that will be organized in Paris, France on August 27-31.

Our participation will offer the possibility to the visitors to learn about new additions and developments in Efacec solutions concerning substations automation systems, according to IEC 61850.

CIGRÉ is a permanent non-government and non-profit-making international association, was founded in 1921, in France.  It’s the worldwide forum for the professionals of the Electrical Power Industry: 7400 members in 89 countries, 6279 individual members and 1136 collective members (companies, Educational/research bodies). The total number of equivalent members is 11481.

2012 EEI Annual Convention – Orlando, FL, US

June 3-6, 2012 – Orlando, FL

The Edison Electric Institute (EEI) is the association of U.S. Shareholder-Owned Electric Companies, with its members serving 95% of the ultimate customers in the shareholder-owned segment of the industry, and representing approximately 70 percent of the U.S. electric power industry.  The EEI Annual Convention brings together executive management from most of the member utilities for a conference involving  strategic discussions of key industry issues and an exhibition of key vendors in the industry.  Efacec will be present as an exhibitor, presenting solution in the areas of Smart Grid automation and power transformers.  President Bill Clinton, founder of the William J. Clinton Foundation and 42nd President of the United States, will address the Closing General Session on Wednesday morning, June 6.

SLATE - Braga, Portugal

Efacec Automation supports the international symposium organized by Portuguese University of Minho. The venue will be held in the Department of Informatics in Braga, on June 21-22, 2012.

SLATE is an international symposium dedicated to researchers and professionals interested in the study of computer languages.

FILDA - Luanda, Angola
Efacec Angola will be present at the international exhibition to be held in Luanda, Angola, on July 17-22.
