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Newsletter No. 21 | 2012   
Important orders
Glendale Water & Power (GWP), US

Efacec ACS received an important order from the City of Glendale, California for the supply of Outage Management and Distribution Management Systems (OMS/DMS) to enable GWP to continue its program to improve the reliability of service through Distribution Automation. The PRISM™ OMS/DMS will be fully integrated with the Efacec ACS SCADA system already in operation at Glendale.

The PRISM system utilizes a single real-time database and a single network model for all SCADA/DMS/OMS functionality, greatly simplifying maintenance while providing a powerful integrated user interface for system operators. Functionality to be delivered as part of the project includes:
  • DMS applications
    • Topology Processor
    • DASmap™ GIS Import/ Conversion Tool
    • Distribution Dispatcher Training Simulator
    • Optimal Switching
    • Fault Detection Isolation & Restoration (FDIR)
    • Dispatcher Power Flow
    • Integrated Volt/ VAR Control (IVVC);
  • OMS applications
    • Call taking/ call management
    • Automatic prediction analysis
    • Incident and outage ticket generation
    • Work Order management
    • Crew assignment/ crew management
    • Real-time IEEE 1366 Performance Indices Calculation
    • IVR system interface
    • CIS interface
The award includes system installation, configuration and testing, plus an annual maintenance contract with 24x7 support.
