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Newsletter No. 21 | 2012   
Important orders
TANESCO, Tanzania
Efacec Automation received an important order from Tanesco, a Tanzanian company, through its business partner Jacobsen Elektro (JEL) of Norway. The contract comprises the supply of Efacec equipment and all necessary services to remodel the control and supervision system of the New Pangani Falls HPP hydro power plant. The power plant is composed of two generator groups, 34 MW each.
Tanesco is responsible for generation, transmission and distribution of electric power in Tanzania. Over 70% of consumed energy in this country is produced by power plants. Besides the New Pangani Falls power plant, Tanesco operates five more plants, and is currently investing in new hydro and thermal generation projects.
Due to continued exploration and progress in technology development, this plant’s installed system (which has been in operation since 1995) has been deteriorating and no longer meets the operator’s requirements, resulting in increased non production costs. The Efacec solution will provide Tanesco’s customers with significant improvement of the delivered service through a more efficient, safer and more reliable system. The commissioning of a new system should be completed by the end of this year, as it is being implemented while the plant is in full operation.
The proposed solution is based on the most recent technological developments, including new generation products and systems. The scope of supply includes redundant units for station servers (UC 500), bay control and automation units (Series 500), as well as all automation software and user interface (HMI 500). This equipment, installed in several hydro power plant control rooms, namely in main control room, shall control and supervise two generator groups, auxiliary services, substation, and a dam.
This new hydro power plant automation reference reinforces Efacec’s Automation position as a supplier in this market. Efacec Automation already has a considerable number of completed projects, both in national and international markets.
This project is very important for Efacec, not only because it is the first in Tanzania with Tanesco, but also because of the successful partnership with JEL. The achievement is due to the combined efforts of the Efacec commercial team and close cooperation with the Norwegian partner developed over the last year.

Inside view of power plant control room
