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Newsletter No. 21 | 2012   
IEC 61850 Standardization Group Meets in Portugal

Efacec Automation, jointly with REN, the Portuguese TSO  and EDP Distribuição, the Portuguese DSO, hosted the first 2012 meeting of TC 57 WG 10, the standardization body in charge of the development of IEC 61850.

Another step forward in the global IEC 61850 standardization efforts, the TC 57 WG 10 meeting was held earlier this year in Porto, Portugal in conjunction with TC 57 WG 19, TC 88 WG37 and Cigre A3.31.

More than 70 active members from around the world participated in this one week meeting with 3-4 parallel sessions. The topics discussed were broad, ranging from Modeling, Process bus,  Condition monitoring, System management, Control center interface, Functional testing to Engineering.

The IEC 61850 suite of standards provide a seamless architecture to meet the requirements for communications and information exchange of field equipment and is focused on managing intelligent systems connected to the power system from generation to distribution, including advanced Substation and Plant Automation and Smart Grid applications. Covering data exchange, information management and engineering, the current and upcoming IEC 61850 standards apply to a broad range of systems, including, but not limited to:
- Substations (including substation-to-substation and substations-to-control-center)
- Hydro and wind power plants and
- Distribution automation equipment
- Distributed energy resources, including generation and storage systems
- Electric vehicle charging systems

Efacec fully supports IEC 61850 development efforts and includes IEC 61850 natively in its product offer from controller and relays, through gateways and SCADA systems, to engineering tools. To learn more please consult ou portfolio of producst and solutions.

