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Newsletter No. 18 - 2011   
New project implementations

Remodeling of Supervision and Control Systems for 3 Hydro Power Plants, Landsvirkjun, Iceland
Efacec was awarded with a contract for remodeling of supervision and control systems (SCS) for 3 hydro power plants in Iceland. At the beginning of 2011 the installations for the second hydro power plant, located at the Sog River, were concluded.

Efacec and Landsvirkjun are working together since mid 90', when Efacec supplied the first systems for supervision and control of those plants.

The current project consists in upgrade of existing SCS that was based on previous technologies. The new technologies provide extra reliability according to the state of the art, assuring an improved operation of the Icelandic hydro power plants.

The solution installed in this hydro power plant is based on the CLP 500 platform, integrating a fanless station server (UC 500E) and a human machine interface (HMI 500). The communication between all equipments of the system was upgraded to Ethernet. The Regional dispatch was upgraded as well, where a new version of the SCADA system was implemented, and as a consequence, the communication protocol with the National Dispatch was upgraded to IEC 60870-5-104, a standard protocol providing more powerful and state of the art features.


Sines Refinery, GALP, Portugal

Efacec Automation has concluded the installation and configuration of an automation system featuring protection and control functions for the Sines Refinery substation (150/60 kV). This contract is a part of a major contract won by Efacec Engenharia.

The scope of supply included the substation automation system, based on the CLP 500 platform. The substation is composed by two 150/60 kV transformers, one 150 kV bus-bar bay, six 60 kV line bays, one 60 kV bus-bar bay, and an auxiliary services bay.

With this project conclusion, Efacec Automation proves once again its leadership in the domain of substation automation systems.

Remodeling of a Supervision and Control System for Crestuma Hydro Power Plant, Portugal

Efacec Automation concluded the remodeling of a supervision and control system for Crestuma Hydro Power Plant, located at the Douro River in Portugal.

The scope of remodeling consisted in the replacement of three generator automation units, one auxiliary service automation unit, one dam automation unit and auxiliary services, and one event logging device.

The installed solution is based on the CLP 500 platform, integrating the fanless station server (UC 500E) and the human machine interface (HMI 500).

Conclusion of Gondomar Line, Oporto Light Metro, Portugal

In January 2011, the new line of Oporto Light Metro, the Gondomar Line, was concluded, where the Efacec Automation unit has participated actively. The supplied systems and solutions were designated to upgrade the control center and the automation of the traction power and catenary infrastructures.

Efacec Automation supplied the upgrade of the SCADA system for the control center, based on the SCATE X platform. The central system is composed by two SCADA central servers, handling the real time data arising from new and existing RTUs, as well as from other subsystems. Both servers are working in hot-standby mode, allowing for a high reliability system operation.

For the Gondomar Line’s traction power and catenary infrastructures, Efacec Automation supplied the integrated railway management system that included RTUs for control and supervision of passenger stations and of traction substations. The scope of supply included the station servers (based on fanless technology UC 500E, as well as conventional technology UC 500), terminal and protections relays (TPU 420 family), data acquisition units (UA 500), and third party communication modules.

Efacec Group has contributed significantly to the whole Oporto Light Metro project implementation, participating in it since the beginning, providing all power, communications and IT infrastructures.

Substation Automation System for Ermesinde Substation, REN, Portugal

Efacec Automation has concluded the installation and configuration of an automation system featuring protection and control functions for the 60 kV level of Ermesinde Substation (220/60 kV). The substation’s technology is based on GIS (Gas Insulated Switchgear).

The automation system is based on the CLP 500 platform, integrating solutions and products from Efacec, namely the fanless station server units (UC 500E), bay control units (BCU 500), bay acquisition and control units (UAC 420), as well as protection relays from Siemens. All the new generation equipments were configured with the Efacec engineering tool Automation Studio, in accordance with the IEC 61850 standard.

The commissioned system is composed by three transformer bays, eight line bays, one bus-coupler, and two capacitor bank bays.

The present project, awarded to Efacec by Siemens, is a sign of trust and recognition of Efacec solutions and services.
