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Newsletter No. 18 - 2011   
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Efacec Participates in the First Interoperability Panel (IOP) for IEC 61850
Held in Paris late March this year and hosted by EDF, UCA has organized the first Interoperability panel (IOP) for IEC 61850. Most worldwide vendors of IEC 61850 equipment and solutions participated with several products and all record tests between equipment of different manufacturers were witnessed by non-participating companies (consulting firms and utilities).

Areas of interoperability testing included network Infrastructure, Substation Configuration Language, sampled values, GOOSE (Generic Object Oriented Substation Event), client/server and time synchronization through SNTP. The IOP has demonstrated a high level of interoperability and produced proposals for improvement and other initiatives.

Efacec has a strong commitment with IEC 61850 in its product and solution portfolio and through its membership in UCA has participated with the BCU 500 Bay Control Unit, UC 500 Station server and HMI as well as the Automation Studio toolset. Efacec product interoperability with several other vendors was demonstrated in the following domains:
- SCL import/export and handling (Automation Studio)
- IEC 61850 client (UC 500 e Automation Studio)
- IEC 61850 server (BCU 500)
- GOOSE (BCU 500)
- File transfer for COMTRADE (UC 500 / Automation Studio

The full report will soon be available at the UCA site. More information can be found here.

Opening Session of the Energy School | Automation

The opening session of the Energy School | Automation training sessions took place on the March 29, at the Efacec facilities in Maia, Portugal.

The opening was chaired by Mr. Luis Filipe Pereira, former president of the Executive Board of Directors.

Mr. Alberto Barbosa from the Executive Board of Directors, Mr. Fernando Gustavo Soares vice-president of the Efacec Academy and Mr. Fernando Lourenço general manager of the Automation unit were also present at the ceremony.

At the occasion, Mr. Luis Filipe Pereira made a briefing on the main goals of the School, highlighting the role of the Academy, which was created with the purpose of promoting aggregated and global initiatives within the scope of Training and Development, as well as Knowledge Management.

The several activities developed by Efacec Academy aim to cross Efacec borders, reaching not only Efacec employees but also the external community, which includes customers, suppliers and young people concluding their university degree.

This training session, in a total of 112 hours, covers several topics regarding Substation Automation Systems. A participation of more than 80 students is programmed.

The Instructor of the first session was Mr. Miguel Pereira, from KEMA. His lecture covered the subject of Substation Primary Equipment.

Besides KEMA, which will provide lectures on Substation Architectures, Protection Systems, Automation Systems and IEC 61850, also RuggedCom will participate providing lectures on Substation LAN. Efacec will also participate in the training sessions, where its skilled engineers will provide specific lectures for IEC 61131-3 and hands-on training with the Automation Studio engineering tool.

The audience that attended the first session was made of 22 students, 15 of them participating locally, besides 4 students from the Automation team in Brazil and 3 from the Automation team in the United States, these attending remotely via videoconference. Among the attendees in Maia, 3 are staff of EDP Distribuição, the Portuguese DSO.

The sessions took place at the refurbished Training Room, a renewal that took place during February.

Mr. Luis Filipe Pereira during his lecture about the School goals
A perspective of the local audience

1st Annual Conference of EnergyIn

The 1st annual conference of EnergyIn [] was held in Viseu, Portugal, between the 10 and 11 February, 2011.

Several speakers had the opportunity to present their ideas about Energy Efficiency, Offshore Power, Solar Power, Sustainable Mobility and Smart Grids.
The Smart Grids session panel was chaired by Mr. António Carrapatoso from EnergyIn. Mr. Carrapatoso is the coordinator of the EnergyIn’s Smart Grids Row. He also is the R&D head engineer at Efacec.
This session had the participation of Prof. Peças Lopes from INESC Porto, Mr. Carlos Mota Pinto from EDP Distribuição, Mrs. Filipa França from Siemens and Mr. Alberto Jorge Bernardo from Efacec.
EnergyIn is a private-right non-profit Association, funded by some of the most representative companies in the energy sector, including Efacec, EDP, GALP Energia, MARTIFER, and the MIT Portugal Program.
The goal of EnergyIn is to promote the entrepreneurial and scientific cooperation in the energy area, aimed at developing the competitiveness of this industrial sector, which targets the creation of valuable and qualified employment in Portugal.

Mr. António Carrapatoso, chairman of the Smart Grids Session Panel
