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Newsletter No. 17 - 2011   
SEC, Saudi Arabia
Efacec received two important orders from SEC, Saudi Arabia, through its business partner in Saudi Arabia, the Naizak Power Systems. The orders include the supply and configuration of remote terminal units for 4 distribution substations (33/13.8 kV).
The SEC (Saudi Electric Company) is the main provider of electricity in Saudi Arabia, with generation capacity of 45,000 MW, length of the power transmission grids of 43,000 ckm (circuit-kilometer), and the electric power connections length reaching 364,000 ckm.

The first order comprises installations in two existing substations (Faisaliah and Musadiah) and one new substation (Khalidiah), all located in the region of Ar’Ar, at the Northern border of the country. The second comprise installations in one new substation located in the Al Midnab Area.

The systems to be supplied for SEC are based on the CLP 500RTU platform, the technology fully developed by Efacec, that integrates the station server (designated as UC 500E), the human machine interface (designated as HMI 500), and the acquisition units (UA 500). All the platform components communicate between them through LAN network. The substations master unit will communicate with the upstream third-party SCADA control center.

These projects are very important for Efacec Automation Business Unit, as they are the first projects won in Saudi Arabia, thus being an important additional reference in the Middle East Region, specifically in the GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council). The success of obtaining these contracts is due to the great effort of our commercial team, as well as to the local partner.


Efacec received an important order from BESCOM, India, valued at around 1.3 M USD, for the supply of remote terminal units (RTU) that will supervise and control the ring main units (RMU) included in the distribution network of the Bangalore Metropolitan Area Zone.

The scope of supply includes design, configuration and complete installation of 400 RTUs, based on micro URR, technology developed by Efacec. The communication interface of RTUs will be serial or IP via radio (UHF); the protocols are DNP 3.0 and DNP IP.

With the distribution network upgrade project, the client aims to improve the reliability, efficiency and safety of the 11 kV distribution network within the Bangalore region. It will be achieved by upgrading or replacing RMUs and other network elements, as well as installing RTUs for its control and supervision.

This is a very important new reference for the Efacec Automation Business Unit, as it’s the first bid won in the India market. This project is the result of the efforts of Efacec commercial managers from Portugal and India, and we trust that new automation opportunities in the India market will emerge.


ANDE, Paraguay

Efacec received an important order from ANDE, Paraguay, for the supply of substation automation systems, featuring protection, measurement and control for 5 substations.

The substations included in the project are:
- Santa Rosa (220/66/23 kV)
- Capiatá (220/66/23 kV)
- Pedro Juan Caballero (220/66/23 kV)
- Paranambú (66/23 kV)
- Mariano R. Alonso (66/23 kV)

The solution for each substation is based on the CLP 500 platform, Efacec’s technology for substation automation. It integrates the following components: bay control units (BCU 500), terminal protection units (TPU S420), and third party protection relays and quality measurement devices. The proposed solution is based on the IEC 61850.

All platform components will intercommunicate, through an Ethernet network, according to the standard protocol. The device synchronization will be performed by GPS.

This project is a sign of ANDE’s trust in Efacec, based on its experience, high competitiveness and technical quality of its developed solutions. Previously, Efacec Automation Business Unit won six substation automation orders from ANDE.

EDP, Portugal

Efacec has received an order from EDP Distribuição, the Portuguese Electric Power Distribution Operator, for the supply of the security solutions for its SCADA network. The project is called Cybersecurity.

The Cybersecurity project aims to increase significantly the protection and security of the system by implementing a set of solutions that include minimization of the exposure of ports and active services of the system machines, synchronization of the machines with the security updates, security in remote access protocols, and user unified management with Active Directory, among others.

With this project, Efacec reinforces its leadership position in Portugal, within the scope of supply of sophisticated management systems for distribution electric power networks.
