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Newsletter No. 17 - 2011   
20th Communication Congress of APDC, Portugal
The 20th Communication Congress of APDC (Portuguese Association of Communications) took place November 17-18 at the Congress Center of Lisbon. Efacec was its main sponsor.
The event was noted for its high level of professionalism due to the excellent technological support, creativity and quality of both its speakers (national and international) and participants in the different panels, which included Alberto Barbosa, Efacec Executive Board Director.

During the sessions, essential aspects were approached, aspects that will represent new challenges and new opportunities for the future development.

Efacec CEO, Mr. Luis Filipe Pereira, was invited to close the Congress.

In the scope of the Demonstration System, Efacec Automation Business Unit highlighted its solution for Smart Grids, the SmartGate platform.

Efacec booth
Source: Ef@news, December 2010

25 YEARS of INESC, Portugal

On November 4, 2010, the INESC Porto (Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering of Porto) organized a special event to celebrate its 25th anniversary. Several companies that cooperate closely with the Institute were invited to attend, and Efacec was represented by the Automation Business Unit.

Portuguese Secretary of State Manuel Heitor attended the opening session on behalf of Mariano Gago, the Minister for Science, Technology and Higher Education.

The Efacec Automation Business Unit demonstrated its SCADA system, with emphasis on DTS Dispatching Training Simulator, a component jointly developed by Efacec and INESC Porto. Mr. Fernando Lourenço, general manager of the Automation Business Unit, participated as a speaker in a workshop dedicated to "Economic Impact of investment in science".

The partnership with INESC Porto began in late 1996 and the consolidated result over the years is extremely positive and is a good example of synergy between companies and universities.

Efacec booth

SENDI 2010, Brazil

Efacec do Brasil participated in SENDI 2010, a Brazilian National Power Distribution Seminar that took place November 23-25, in São Paulo, Brazil.

SENDI 2010 was managed by AES Eletropaulo and ABRADEE, and Efacec do Brasil participated as the Gold Sponsor.
Efacec do Brasil was present with its own booth, displaying solutions for Power Systems Automation and Medium Voltage Equipment.
The Power Systems Automation Unit highlighted:
- Demonstration of the latest SCADA/DMS solution for Control Centers
Demonstration of the Integrated Substation Automation System based on the CLP 500, integrating the UC 500E, HMI 500, UAC 420, TPU 420 and BCU 500, according to the IEC 61850 standard
- micro URR as a compact solution for distribution automation
- The new compact protection and control relay, TPU 220
Smart Grid solutions, as well as our participation in the InovGrid project, through a demonstration system based on the SmartGate
The national and international Efacec experience and innovation was also highlighted, namely in automation and management solutions for power distribution.

Efacec booth

IEEE Latin America, Brazil

Efacec do Brasil has participated in another event that took place in Brazil, the IEEE Latin America. The event was held in São Paulo November 8-10, 2010. Efacec also presented a paper "Interoperability between equipment from supervision, control and protection systems electric traction power under the standard IEC 61850".
