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Power Systems Automation     
Nº 11 - May 2009
»» Efacec welcomes two Portuguese electric power utilities: REN and EDP

During the first quarter of 2009, two very important visits to Efacec’s Automation business unit took place in Maia facilities. In January we received REN, and in February EDP Distribuição.

REN was represented by the CEO, Mr. José Penedos and by the Executive Director Vítor Batista.

EDP Distribuição was represented by the CEO; Mr. João Torres and by the Executive Directors, Ângelo Sarmento and Miguel Stillwell.

Both visits were received by the CEO of Efacec Luís Filipe Pereira. These receptions aimed to present the most recent Efacec’s solutions for the management and automation of power networks, both for distribution and transmission.

The Automation business unit and EDP have been working together since the mid 80’s. Over the years, Efacec provided to EDP SCADA systems for the control centres, integrated substation automation systems, and compact systems for distribution automation. More recently, we can highlight the Efacec participation in the InovGrid Project, promoted by EDP, focused on the Smart Grids concept.

Detail of one of the visits

The cooperation with REN, started in the mid 90’s, since the creation of the company as a subsidiary of EDP. Over the years, numerous integrated substation automation systems were provided. More recently, we can highlight the Efacec participation in the Integra Project, which, as a result, demonstrated the capability of the implementation of a Substation Automation System according to the IEC 61850 standard.

Regarding future requirements of REN and EDP, and the technological trends of the industry where we fit, the Efacec’s Automation Unit keeps on developing its automation, management and supervision solutions for electric power networks.