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No. 10 - January 2009


»» SmartPower solutions for Smart Grids
Looking to answer the most recent energy and environmental challenges, Efacec, in the scope of its SmartPower solutions for Smart Grids, developed the SmartGate.
The SmartGate is an intelligent module, based on Digital Signal Processor (DSP) technology, conceived to be used at the MV/LV Distribution Transformer Substations, aiming to supervise its own state, as well as to collect metering data coming from electric power smart meters, placed downstream along the LV network.

Besides managing the communication with the smart meters, the SmartGate allows detecting upstream MV network faults, as well as managing a set of alarms concerning its internal operating environment.

The SmartGate is also able to control the public lighting, executing previously scheduled orders, received from the network control centre. Furthermore it is able to perform public lighting metering.

Being a flexible solution, capable of managing multiple input data, for multiple applications, the SmartGate allows the system to identify, at the distribution transformer substation level, the demand shifts, the independent production, and the power resources present in the network. Additionally, the SmartGate sends that data to the upstream systems, either to the respective distribution network control centre, or to the utility’s corporative information system.

The SmartGate may also be included in the scope of Distribution Automation, as a complementary solution for Feeder Automation. This function is executed at the primary substation level, gathering the necessary information so that their RTU (Remote Terminal Units) may perform, with the received fault data, the necessary FDIR (Fault Detection, Isolation and Restoration) algorithms.

The SmartGate is able to communicate trough several physical layers, such as PLC, GPRS or Ethernet network, through two RJ 45 ports.

The SmartGate has an embedded Web server that offers a set of schematic diagrams, data lists and parameter setting tools, available for distribution transformer substation management, allowing local and remote access, through a valid username and password.
