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No. 10 - January 2009


»» Efacec welcomes Oporto Light Metro delegation
On the 14th November 2008, Oporto Light Metro (Metro do Porto) visited Efacec’s facilities in Maia.

We welcomed the CEO, Jorge Delgado, as well as other Directors: Almeida Teixeira, João Rebelo and Jorge Marques. This reception aimed to present the most recent Efacec solutions for the railway traction systems management, as well as technical infrastructures management. Both Efacec and Metro do Porto have been working together since the late 90’s.

The Efacec Group had a major role in the Metro do Porto project, supplying a remarkable set of integrated solutions in the scope of SCADA, telecommunications, signalling, public address systems, power supply systems, exhaustion systems, security systems and ticketing systems, as well as switchgears and transformers for substations, among others.

Efacec Automation was responsible for the supply of a redundant SCADA system based on the SCATE X RAIL for the control centre, as well as Remote Terminal Units (RTU) based on the CLP 500 platform and RTU based on the URR platform, for data acquisition. Regarding future expansions of the light metro lines, the Automation Unit keeps on developing its automation, management and supervision solutions for railway power traction networks, especially focused on light metros.

Welcoming Metro do Porto at Efacec Automation Unit premises, Maia