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No. 10 - January 2009


»» New projects implementation
During the last quarter of 2008, Efacec carried out an important set of automation systems installation and commissioning, for several clients, of which we can highlight the following ones:
  REN, Portugal
  EWA, Bahrain

REN, Portugal
During the last quarter of 2008, Efacec’s Automation business unit concluded the expansion works of substation automation systems for two substations: Torrão and Frades. The unit concluded also the works of a new substation automation system for Riba d’Ave’s substation.

The scope of works in these substations was the following:
Torrão (220/60 kV)
- One 220/60 kV transformer bay

Frades (150/60 kV)
- Four 150 kV line bays with double bus-bar topology
- One 150 kV bus-coupler
- One 150/60 kV – 170 MVA transformer bay
- One 60 kV bus-coupler
- Two 60 kV line bays

External view of a REN’s substation

Riba d’Ave(150/60 kV)
- One 220/60 kV transformer bay

The scope of supply for these substations included automation systems, based on CLP 500SCC, integrating third party protections.

All these systems are compatible with the previously implemented solutions by Efacec in other REN projects. The features of the proposed architecture allow the implementation of new functions that might be considered by REN in the future.

EWA, Bahrain
During the last quarter of 2008, Efacec finished the installation and commissioning of integrated control systems for two substations: Amwaj (66/11 kV) and Khaleej al Bahrain (66/11 kV), belonging to EWA (Electricity and Water Authority, Bahrain), previously called MEW (Ministry of Electricity and Water). These substations will be fully integrated in the grid during the first quarter of 2009.

The substations have the following characteristics:
AMWAJ substation (66/11 kV).
- 13 bays of 66 kV
- 19 lines of 11 kV

- 17 bays of 66 kV
- 19 lines of 11 kV

By successfully finishing this work, Efacec reinforces its presence in Bahrain, concerning the supply of sophisticated automation systems for distribution substations, based on CLP 500SCC. This presence highlights EWA’s preference over Efacec’s automation solutions, supplied via Cruickshanks, a Scottish engineering company that is our partner in Bahrain. The offered solutions are characterized by their flexibility, performance and availability.


During the last quarter of 2008, Efacec’s Automation business unit concluded the works of a substation automation system for Edelnor’s Chillón substation (220/60/20 kV). Edelnor is a Peruvian distribution and transmission electric power utility.

The scope of supply for Edelnor included an automation system, based on CLP 500SCC, integrating BCU 500 bay control units by Efacec and third party protections, according to IEC 61850.

By building this substation, Edelnor makes a statement of modernization and expansion of its own electric power network, by being able to answer to the substantial growth of energy consumption in Lima’s northern area.

This major accomplishment allows Efacec to strengthen its position in Latin America, offering substation automation solutions.

External view of Chillón substation