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No. 10 - January 2009


»» Events participation
In the last quarter of 2008, the Efacec’s Automation Unit participated in several events:
  APDC, 2008 Communication Congress, Portugal
  X EDAO, Meeting for Operation Issues Debate, 2008, Brazil
  Technological Portugal 2008, Portugal

APDC, 2008 Communication Congress, Portugal

The Efacec Group attended the 2008 Communication Congress (Congresso das Comunicações’08), promoted by APDC (Portuguese Association for the Communications Development), that took place in Lisbon’s Congress Centre, from 11th to 13th of November.

The opening session had not only the presence of the Portuguese President Aníbal Cavaco Silva, but also the Minister of the Environment Francisco Nunes Correia, and Lisbon’s Mayor, António Costa. The congress had the attendance of more than 1500 participants.

On behalf of Efacec, the executive chairman, Luis Filipe Pereira, and another member of the executive board, Alberto Barbosa, both participated in the congress, also as speakers.

During this event a Demonstration System for the InovGrid project had its first public presentation. Promoted by EDP, this project has the participation of the following companies: Efacec, INESC Porto, Jans/Contar and Logica.

The InovGrid project is focused in the Smart Grids concept, with direct impact at the distribution network level, where the strengthening of the intelligent remote management assets will endow the network to increase the dispersed generation capacity.

In line with this project, and because since 2006 Efacec has been involved in this new industry segment, it developed a new range of specific solutions for Smart Grids, known as SmartPower. As so, Efacec presented the SmartGate.
The SmartGate is an intelligent module, based on DSP (Digital Signal Processor) technology, conceived to be used in a MV/LV Distribution Transformer Substation, aiming to supervise its own state, as well as to collect metering data coming from electric power smart meters.

Also in the scope of the Demonstration System, Efacec presented the SmartICP, a Power Control Switch for domestic use, which communicates with a smart meter placed outdoors.

Finally, in the same Demonstration System scope, Efacec included a SCADA system based on SCATE X, integrating geo-referenced maps.

Janz/Contar and Logica, partners of the Project, respectively presented a set of smart meters and a customer management information system.

All the components described here were integrated in real time in the Demonstration System, highlighting the potential, features and cohesion the InovGrid Project stands for.

General View of EDP booth - InovGrid Project

InovGrid Project Demonstration System

InovGrid Project Demonstration System Presentation

X EDAO, Meeting for Operation Issues Debate, 2008, Brazil
Efacec was present in the 10th edition of EDAO - Meeting for Operation Issues Debate (Encontro para Debates de Assuntos de Operação), which was held in São Paulo, Brazil, between the 9th and 13th November 2008.

This event was managed by CTEEP - the São Paulo State Electric Power Transmission Company (Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Eléctrica Paulista), and was organized by CTEE - Energy Study and Training Centre (Centro de Treinamento e Estudos em Energia).

The event was promoted by CIGRÉ - International Council on Large Electric Systems, and by ONS - the Brazilian National Operator of the Electric System (Operador Nacional do Sistema Eléctrico).

Efacec sponsored the event, as a Diamond Sponsor.

This EDAO edition aimed to debate several issues concerning electric power network operation, namely regarding its own model in the last years, operation security and preventive attitude, as well as aspects of regulation, quality, performance and safety, among others.

Several companies were present in a technical exhibition during the event. Efacec participated with a booth, whose presence was managed by Efacec do Brasil, a Brazilian company of Efacec Group.

Detail of the Efacec booth
The Automation Unit was present in the event, where it was able to show its solutions for electric power automation and management, focusing on protection and automation integrated systems for substations, task performed by our colleagues of Efacec do Brasil.

We highlight the participation of Efacec in a technical seminar under the subject “IEC 61850: New Generation of Automation Systems”. Our presentation subject was “Applying IEC 61850: What to expect today and tomorrow?”

Efacec presentation


Technological Portugal 2008, Portugal
The Efacec Group attended the Technological Portugal 2008 event (Portugal Tecnológico 2008) that took place in the International Fair of Lisbon, between the 18th and 23rd of November.

The opening session had the presence of the Prime Minister José Sócrates.

The Efacec Group was present not only with its own booth, presenting products and services of its business units, but was also present in the EDP booth dedicated to the InovGrid project. For the second time, the InovGrid Project Demonstration System was presented to the public.

In the scope of the Demonstration System, Efacec’s Automation Unit highlighted its new solution for Smart Grids, the SmartGate.

Amongst the many guests we had the opportunity to receive, we highlight the Economy Minister, Manuel Pinho, which participated in a demonstration session.

General view of Efacec’s booth, highlighting several components
of the substation automation integrated solution

General view of EDP’s booth – InovGrid Project