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No. 6 - January 2008
»» Event participation

In the last quarter of 2007, the EFACEC’s Automation business unit participated in several events:

- CIGRE Study Committee B5, carried out in Madrid, Spain, between 15th and 20th October
- HYDRO 2007, carried out in Granada, Spain, between 15th and 17th October
- IRF – International Rail Forum 2007, carried out in Valencia, Spain, between 13th and 15th November

CIGRE Study Committee B5

EFACEC’s Automation business unit participated in the event, performing a presentation related to the “Functional Integration in Substation Automation Systems: System Tools and Interoperability”.

The paper supporting its presentation may be consulted through the respective link.

HYDRO 2007

Power Production and Automation business units, of EFACEC, participated in the HYDRO 2007 edition.

EFACEC, through both business units, has a wide experience in turn key solutions implementation with a strong component of management, control and automation in the field of power production through hydro power plants.

EFACEC booth general view

EFACEC interior booth detail

IRF 2007

The Telecommunication and Telematics, Power Supply Systems and Transport Systems business units of EFACEC, as well as the Automation business unit of EFACEC, participated in the IRF 2007 event edition.

EFACEC, through these units, has a wide experience in turn key solutions implementation for the railway transport industry, including light and underground metros, in the area of telecommunications, signalling, public information systems, power supply systems, video-surveillance systems and exploitation support systems, as well as in the supply of solutions with a strong component of management, control and automation of the electric traction network and infrastructure technical supervision.

EFACEC booth general view