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No. 6 - January 2008


»» EFACEC announces its corporate image renewal
In line with its positioning strategy as a worldwide respected and recognised brand, EFACEC announces its corporative image renewal, with impact at the level of its logo, as it is presented at the following image.

technology that moves the world

2008 Advertising Campaign

Recently, still in 2007, EFACEC carried out an important set of investments, namely those related to the purchase of the North American engineering company ACS, from Atlanta (USA), in the state of Georgia, and related to the beginning of the construction of the new power transformers factory, in Effingham, also in the same state.

These investments express EFACEC’s mission, which is to cope with the market needs by means of a bigger proximity geographical response, as well as expressing the capacity and technical competence of its more than 3,000 employees, that assure the Company’s success as a result of their spirit of entrepreneurship, flexibility and innovation, providing high quality solutions.

The new logo, in its shape and colours, is settled in that spirit, which, recovering the geometry of the previous version as an expression of a deep respect and gratitude on those that contributed to what EFACEC represents today, projects our will in keeping ourselves in the technology vanguard, today and in the future.

Saying goodbye to the previous EFACEC’s logo version, which played an important role in the promotion and recognition of our image, we present an historical overview of the respective versions, in its release order.

Source: ef@news, special edition (January 2008), by Luís Filipe Pereira, Chairman of EFACEC