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No. 6 - January 2008


»» EFACEC has acquired ACS – Advanced Control Systems
ACS – Advanced Control Systems, is an engineering company of the USA, with headquarters in Atlanta, the Georgia state capital.

ACS develops activities complementing those of EFACEC in the field of automation and control, and holds a leading position, at the highest level, in the supply of intelligent solutions for industrial automation of electric power, in the front line evolution of power management and distribution.

Together, ACS and EFACEC’s Automation business unit have a workforce of 210 (100 of these belonging to ACS), most of them engineers, and over 380 clients, predominantly utilities, all over the world.

In 2007, both companies presented a Turnover of about 50 million USD. EFACEC and ACS have already supplied more than 350 control systems, more than 80.000 RTU and more than 700 automated substations, worldwide.

ACS is currently involved in several projects from scratch, including the world’s first totally integrated system for the Power Distribution Automation in Tai-Chung, Taiwan.

ACS’s main activity fields are the following:
- Distribution Automation and Power Network Management
- Substation Automation
- Enterprise Business Intelligence
- Simulation and Optimization
  Control room implemented by ACS
Source: ef@news, edition September/October 2007, by Ana Cristina Mesquita