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No. 5 - October 2007

»» Important Orders

In the third quarter of 2007, EFACEC received a set of important orders, valued at 4.9 million euros, highlighting the following:

Domestic market

International market
- MEW, Bahrain


EFACEC received important orders from REN (Redes Energéticas Nacionais), Portugal, valued around 2.7 Million Euros, of which it can be highlighted the supply of a command, control and protection system for Lavos substation (400/60 kV).

Lavos substation has the following configuration:
- 400 kV infeeds have a one and a half circuit breaker layout
- 8 Line Bays (400 kV)
- 2 Transfomer Bays (400/60 kV)
- 1 Bus Coupler  (60 kV)
- 6 Line Bays (60 kV)

The scope of supply, of turn key type, includes the following systems:
- Command and control system of the CLP 500SCC type;
- Third party protection system.

Once part of the substation is already in operation, also with EFACEC solutions, the project execution will be phased.

The presented solution is distinguished by its technological component, defined according to the Client's specification, who demanded a high technical complexity system.

REN Substation

All systems are functionally compatible with the solutions already implemented by EFACEC in previous REN’s projects. However, the proposed architecture capacities allow the implementation of new functionalities, which might be considered in the future by REN.


EFACEC received important orders from EDP – Energias de Portugal, valued around 1 million euros, for the supply and installation of protection, command and control systems for several distribution substations.

From the large set of supplies, we highlight the following:
Extension of three MV line bays of Central do Tejo Substation;
One protection, command and control system for Quinta do Conde substation (60/15 kV), integrating EFACEC digital protection relays (according to the IEC 61850 standard), as well as third party protection relays;
Execution and configuration services for the command, control and protection system, database and schematic diagrams within the scope of Figueirinha substation revamping (60 kV);
One integrated control system for Sousa substation (60/15 kV), integrating EFACEC digital protections (TPU L420 distance protection);
One integrated control system for Monserrate substation (60/15 kV), integrating digital protections from EFACEC and third parties;
One integrated control  system for Braga substation (30/15 kV), integrating digital protections from EFACEC (TPU L420 distance protection).

EDP Substation inside view

EFACEC solutions are based on distributed architectures, supported by the CLP 500 protection, command and control platform, integrating protection relays communicating between them.

The architectures presented by EFACEC are characterised by having lower costs concerning installation, tests and maintenance, allowing more attractive solutions from a technical or an investment perspective.

This set of projects is recognised as a sign of trust, by EDP relatively to EFACEC, based on its experience, high competitiveness and high quality of its developed solutions within the scope of substation automation systems. As a witness of this trust, EDP has recently homologated the TPU L420 distance protection, to be used in its HV lines.


EFACEC received an important order from EDELNOR (Peru), for the supply of one command, control and protection system for the new Chillón substation (220/60/22.9 kV), valued around 700 thousand euros.

EDELNOR’s scope of supply includes the following systems:
- Command, control and protection system based on CLP 500SCC;
- Automation system integrating EFACEC’s BCU 500 bay control units, their implementation according to
   the IEC 61850 standard;
- Third party protection system, integrated on EFACEC’s CLP 500SCC platform.

The Chillón substation has the following configuration:
- Two 220 kV line bays
- One 220 kV bus-coupler bay
- Two 220/60/10 kV transformers
- One 60 kV bus-coupler bay
- Three 60 kV line bays
- One 60/22.9 kV transformer
- Three 22.9 kV line bays

EDELNOR is a Peruvian distribution, transmission and generation power utility, operating in the north region of Lima Metropolitan area, and in the Callao province, as well as in the Huaura, Huaral, Barranca and Oyón provinces. This company serves about a million customers in an area of 2440 km2. Its concession includes mainly the industrial zone of Lima and some populous areas of the city.

EFACEC’s offered systems follow the most recent technologies, according to the state of the art, providing modern architectures based on open systems, integrating the most recent software and hardware industry solutions, where the system components are interconnected via a LAN network, in a client-server environment.

The equipment main characteristics, integrating the scope of supply, are:
- Flexible architecture, adaptable to the substation specific requirements;
Modular architecture, with distributed processing, allowing to perform future extensions, without impact on the ongoing system functioning;
Open architecture using market standards, at all levels (hardware, software, database, communications), granting an easy integration with equipments from different vendors;
- Relational database management system;
- Usage and configuration through a versatile and friendly graphical user interface;

This important order reinforces EFACEC’s presence in Latin America, concerning the offer of substation command, control and protection solutions.

Bay Control Unit by EFACEC

MEW, Bahrain

EFACEC received an order from MEW (Ministry of Electricity and Water), Bahrain, via Cruickshanks (United Kingdom) valued around 500 thousand Euro for the supply of integrated control systems for the substations of Marsa Al Bahrain (66/11 kV),  Arcapita (66/11 kV), Khaleej Al Bahrain Shamal (66/11 kV) and Khaleej Al Bahrain Janoob (66/11 kV).

EFACEC’s scope of supply is based on the following solutions:
- Command, control and protection systems, based on CLP 500SCC;
- Third parties protection systems, integrated into the CLP 500SCC platform,
   via Courier protocol.

This order confirms, once again, MEW’s preference for EFACEC’s products, supplied via Cruickshanks, a Scottish engineering company, our partner in Bahrain.

In the last years, EFACEC supplied several command, control and protection systems for 220/66/11 kV substations. With the new orders, the total number of systems based on the CLP 500SCC platform will achieve the number of 13, one per substation, of which 6 are already in operation.

MEW Substation inside view