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No. 5 - October 2007

»» EFACEC celebrated a maintenance contract with SONELGAZ, Algeria

EFACEC celebrated recently a maintenance contract with SONELGAZ, valued at 8.5 million euros, for the next 5 years, concerning the equipments and Control Centre systems of Argel, Tipaza and Boumerdès, in Algeria.

EFACEC Argélia assures the preventive and corrective maintenance services, whereas EFACEC Engenharia, through its Power Systems Automation Unit, assures the hot-line service, as well as the corrective maintenance, with the support of the Telecommunications and Power Supply Systems units.

The Algerian team, made by 20 people, will assure the correct functioning of the equipments and systems, concerning the following scope:
- SCADA - in the three control centres
- RTU - in the HV/MV and MV/MV substations
- RTU - in the MV/LV transformer substations and in the overhead switches (IATS)
- Uninterruptible power supply (UPS, etc.)
- Telecommunication network (UHF radios, microwave links)
- Access control and fire detection

Currently, the management and automation system of the SONELGAZ distribution network includes the following solutions:
- 3 Control Centres based on EFACEC’s SCATE X DMS
- 49 RTU based on EFACEC’s CLP 500RTU, for HV/MV and MV/MV substations supervision and control
- 217 RTU based on EFACEC’s URR, for MV/LV transformer substations supervision and control
- 436 RTU based on EFACEC’s micro URR, for MV/LV transformer substations supervision and control
- 415 RTU based on SCHNEIDER’s TALUS, for overhead switches (IATS) supervision and control

The management and automation system, which is the target of the maintenance contract, that was recently widened in terms of dimension, also highlighted in this Newsletter edition, has innovative solutions according to the state of the art.

Its dimension is a sign of trust of SONELGAZ on EFACEC’s solutions, whose experience and performance are in line with the challenge that this contract represents.

Algeria is a strategic market to EFACEC, in which it has been strengthening its presence, in terms of the local infrastructure, image and implemented solutions.

Algiers City