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No. 5 - October 2007

»» EFACEC commissioned SCADA systems, SONELGAZ, Algeria

EFACEC commissioned SCADA systems concerning the extension contract for the Algiers region distribution network, of SONELGAZ, including the Algerian capital, as well as Tipaza and Boumerdès areas. With this extension, the Algiers region distribution network achieved to improve its availability, as well as to strengthen the medium voltage distribution mesh reconfiguration capacity, normally operated in radial mode.

In the initial configuration, the management and automation systems supplied by EFACEC and by SCHNEIDER, the winning consortium, included the following systems:
3 Control Centres based on SCATE X DMS system (EFACEC), placed respectively in Algiers, Tipaza e Boumerdès
49 RTU based on the CLP 500RTU platform (EFACEC), for HV/MV and MV/MV substation automation and remote control
217 RTU based on URR (EFACEC), for remote supervision and control of MV/LV transformer substations
177 RTU based on TALUS (SCHNEIDER), for remote supervision and control of overhead switches
Telecommunication System, with several media support, such as UHF radio and microwave links

SONELGAZ Control Centre
Uninterruptible power supply systems
Access control, fire detection, air conditioning, etc.

Within the new contract extension, under the same winning consortium responsibility, the following systems were installed and commissioned:
436 RTU based on micro URR (EFACEC), for remote supervision and control of MV/LV stations
238 RTU based on TALUS (SCHNEIDER), for remote supervision and control of overhead switches (IATS)
Reinforcement of the existing UHF radio network, passing from two to three radio-relay stations, by modifying the technology from analogue to digital, in the Algiers region
Configuration of SCADA/DMS systems (EFACEC), in order to implement the network’s new configuration regarding automation and remote control

Upon the new systems commissioning, Algiers region increased to an impressive number of 1068 RTU responsible for the distribution network remote supervision and control, their dispatching being performed by the three Control Centres of Algiers, Tipaza and Boumerdès, these assuring the management of the 49 HV/MV and MV/MV substations, strategic points of SONELGAZ’s medium voltage network architecture for the region.