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Newsletter No. 23 | 2012   
Projects Implementations
Automation System for Aguçadoura Offshore Wave Turbine Substation, Portugal
Automation System for Encarnação Traction Substation, Lisbon Metro, Portugal
Series 220 Protections Installation in the field, STCP, Portugal

Automation System for Aguçadoura Offshore Wave Turbine Substation, Portugal

Efacec Automation announces its participation in the Wind Float Pilot Project promoted by Portuguese EDP in cooperation with several national and international companies, including Efacec Renewables. The inauguration ceremony took place last June and was celebrated by Mr. Anibal Cavaco Silva, President of Portugal.

The Wind Float Pilot Project is installed at Portuguese coast in the northern region, and is equipped with a floating wind turbine (with 80m height) mounted on a floating equilateral triangle structure (with a side length of 100m and 60m depth). The production capacity of this platform is about 2MW, producing enough electricity for 1,300 households (according to EDP data).

Synoptic Diagram Example
Efacec Automation participation consisted in the supply and installation of products and solutions at the substation connecting the generation platform with the electrical grid. The scope of supply included the substation automation system (SAS) based on CLP 500 platform, including stations server units (UC 500), bay control unit (BCU 500), user interface (HMI 500), as well as communication server and gateway. The Efacec system not only manages and controls substation operation, via IEC 61850 protocol, but also gathers and process information about the state of turbine and floating platform, via OPC protocol. This information is remotely accessible for any authorized systems operator through HMI 500 web-based user interface.

Automation System for Encarnação Traction Substation, Lisbon Metro, Portugal

Efacec Automation has recently concluded installation of Encarnação Traction Substation for Lisbon Metro, supplied within the scope of the extension of the red line.

The scope of supply included traction substation automation system installation, based on CLP 500SAS platform, integrating protection and control infrastructure both Efacec and third parties. The Efacec user interface HMI 500 for remote and local access was also included.

With the present extension three new stations where added (Moscavide, Encarnação and Aeroporto) allowing connection between the Lisbon city center and the International Airport. As consequence the company expects to reach about 400 thousands new passengers per month.

Passenger Station Example


Series 220 Protections Installation in the field, STCP, Portugal

Efacec Automation, in close cooperation with other Efacec business units, has concluded a substation project for STCP where TPU 220 Protection units were installed.

The Series 220 compact protection and control relays are a cost-effective secure solution for line/feeder protection as well as backup or auxiliary protection and control for transformers, generators and motors in HV/MV systems. The fit-for-purpose design allows plug-and-play engineering together with alternatives for customization of protection schemes and user-defined PLC logic. By fully supporting multiple open communication standards, it is both future-proof and integration friendly.

Metal Enclosed Cabinet with TPU 220
