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Power Systems Automation     
No. 14 - 2010
»» SmartGate distinguished with 1st Prize of the "Innovation Award for the Sustainability"

The first edition of the European Business Awards for the Environment – Prémio de Inovação para a Sustentabilidade (Innovation Award for the Sustainability), promoted by APA, the Portuguese Agency for the Environment, took place in Lisbon, on 3rd of March, 2010. The Award Ceremony was chaired by the Minister for Environment and Spatial Planning, Dulce Pássaro.

In this ceremony, Efacec was distinguished with the 1st Prize in the Product Category of the Award, resulting of its application with the SmartGate, a product developed by the Automation Unit.

Alberto Barbosa, Efacec Administrator and member of the Executive Board, received the award from the General Manager of APA.

The aim of this initiative, promoted by the European Commission and held in several countries of the European Union is to distinguish companies with products and projects contributing for a Sustainable Development.

Efacec will participate as finalist with the SmartGate in the European edition of the Award. The competition will be held in June during the Green Week, in Brussels.

To know more about SmartGate, please click here.

Alberto Barbosa, receiving the Award
Source: Ef@News, March 2010, by Alberto Jorge Bernardo
