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Power Systems Automation     
No. 14 - 2010
»» Efacec Automation Business Unit participated in the BEST Engineering Week at the University of Coimbra

On March the 1st the “BEST Engineering Week” took place at the University of Coimbra (UC). The Efacec Group participated in this event, in the “Efacec Day”, making a presentation of its activities, focusing on the Automation business, with the purpose of attracting young engineers into the Automation Unit.
BEST (Board of European Students of Technology) was founded in 1989 in Berlin and is considered to be the biggest European organization of Technology Students, allowing communication, co-operation and exchange of opportunities between Technology students, universities and companies over all of Europe.
Locally, BEST-UC organizes activities aiming to stimulate and academically enrich students in order to improve the ”university-student-company” link. This is achieved through Engineering Competitions, Company Days, etc.
Also in the scope of the BEST activities, Efacec proposed an Engineering Competition, “Graphical Programming in Web Environment for mathematical functions representation”. The competition took place on March 17 when 4 teams did their BEST for almost 3 hours to reach a solution.

The teams were only informed of the specific task to be implemented when the competition started. The task was the representation, on a Web Environment, of the following curves, between -2π and 2π:
- Sine function
- Sine function through the Taylor Series
- Relative error between the previous functions

All teams presented their solutions, as well as Efacec which shared its alternative solutions for the competition task.

Finally, Efacec announced the winner which was Team 1.

Detail of the Efacec Day – a perspective from the speakers

Detail of the Efacec Day – a perspective from the students



Team 1, the winning team, doing their BEST

Participation of Team 2



 Participation of Team 3

 Participation of Team 4
