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Power Systems Automation     
No. 13 - 2009
»» E.ON visit, Romania

During the third quarter of 2009, the representatives of the Romanian company E.ON visited the Efacec Automation Unit, with the objective to deepen their knowledge about our activities, to participate in a training session concerning our systems, as well as to perform factory acceptance tests.

E.ON is responsible for power distribution in 5 districts of the Moldova region, in the northeast Romania. In October 2008, Efacec, through its local partner Eximprod, signed a contract with E.ON for the supply of a SCADA system, based on the CLP 500 platform, for its distribution network automation. Currently, factory acceptance tests have been already successfully carried out, with the client approval.

In order to highlight the Efacec Group dimension, the Romanian representatives have visited the transformer factory, as well as the high and low voltage switchgear premises.

Besides that, the representatives could also check our solutions in operation by visiting the EDP dispatch in Oporto and the EDP Palmilheira substation.

