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Power Systems Automation     
Nº 11 - May 2009
»» New projects implementation: REN, Portugal

During the first quarter of 2009, the Automation business unit of Efacec concluded the commissioning works regarding additional lines for two REN substations: Penela and Carrapatelo.

The Penela substation is integrated into REN’s transmission network, in the centre of Portugal. The substation has a topology of one and a half circuit breaker of 220 kV and 60 kV double bus-bar.

Regarding the Panela substation, one 220 kV additional line has been commissioned.

In the Carrapatelo substation (of GIS technology), placed in the Douro valley, two additional lines of 60 kV have been commissioned.

The substation automation systems are based on the CLP 500SCC, with an architecture composed by two independent communication networks, one for the 60 kV level and the other one for the 220 kV level.

The installed solution is distinguished by its technological component, defined according to REN’s specification, which demanded a highly technical complexity system. All systems are functionally compatible with the solutions already implemented by Efacec in previous REN’s projects.

Internal and external view of a REN’s substation