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Power Systems Automation     
Nº 11 - May 2009
»» Participation in events

    - DistribuTECH’09, San Diego, California, United States of America
    - Transmission & Distribution EUROPE/Smart Grids, Barcelona, Spain

DistribuTECH’09, San Diego, California, United States of America

Efacec was present in the "DistribuTECH’09", which took place in the San Diego Convention Centre, California, United States, between the 3rd and 5th February 2009.

Our participation was organised by Efacec Advanced Control Systems. During the event, Efacec presented and demonstrated the following solutions:
SCADA/DMS Solutions
Substation Automation integrated systems, by means of a demonstration system based on the CLP 500, integrating the UC 500E, UA 500, BCU 500 and TPU 420, according to the IEC 61850 standard
Feeder Automation systems featuring the FASTApps self-healing module, a pioneer and awarded solution in the United States
RTU for Substation Automation and Distribution Automation
The new Fault Detector, D 060, jointly developed by the R&D departments of Portugal and the United States, in the scope of the Efacec newest solutions or Distribution Automation
Smart Grid solutions, as well as our participation in the InovGrid project, through a demonstrating system based on the SmartGate, using an illustrative poster

Efacec aimed to develop new business contacts with possible partners and clients, either in the US market or in the international market, where the Automation Unit performs.

The international experience of Efacec was highlighted, namely concerning the implementation of automation and management solutions for electric power networks.

View of the Efacec Advanced Control Systems booth,
highlighting the poster about  the Efacec participation
in the InovGrid Project

View of the Efacec Advanced Control Systems booth,
highlighting the demonstration of solutions

Transmission & Distribution EUROPE/Smart Grids, Barcelona, Spain
Efacec was present in the “Transmission & Distribution EUROPE/Smart Grids”, which took place in the International Convention Centre of Barcelona, Spain, between the 17rd and 19th March 2009.

During the event, Efacec presented the following solutions, highlighting their international references:
SCADA/DMS systems
Substation Automation integrated systems according to the IEC 61850 standard
Distribution Automation Systems
Smart Grid solutions, as well as our participation in the InovGrid project, in Portugal

Efacec aimed to develop new business contacts with possible partners and clients, in the international market where the Automation Unit performs.

The international experience of Efacec was highlighted, namely concerning the implementation of automation and management solutions for electric power networks.

View of the Efacec booth, highlighting the presentation
of the Efacec participation in the InovGrid Project, in Portugal