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No. 8 - July 2008


»» INTEGRA Project results demonstration public session

During June 26 the public session was carried out in order to demonstrate the INTEGRA Project results. The session was organised by Efacec and took place at Lagoas Park Hotel, in Oeiras.

This Project was performed within the scope of the DemTec program, coordinated by Agência de Inovação (Innovation Agency).

During the session, the activities of Efacec and REN (Redes Energéticas Nacionais) were presented, as well as the objectives and conclusions of the INTEGRA Project, promoted by Efacec, in which it was intended to implement substation protection and automation solutions according to new paradigms. REN participated in the project specifications and in providing the local for the target demonstration. The University of Minho and the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto made also an important contribution at the engineering level.

The INTEGRA project expected to demonstrate the adequacy of Substation Protection and Automation Systems implementation according to the IEC 61850 standard. As a result, the system supplied by Efacec has been demonstrated, within this scope and according to that standard. The present system was installed in REN’s Fanhões Substation, close to Lisbon.

This substation is characterized by its high voltage bays (400/220/150/60 kV), as well as by demanding a very extended range of Protection and Control functions. Within the scope of this Project, Automation, Control and Protection functions were included, interacting according to the IEC 61850 standard, in the following bays of Fanhões substation:
- 400 kV Line
- 400 / 60 kV Transformer
- 400 kV Bus-coupler and by-pass
- 60 kV Capacitor Bank

The Substation Automation solution was based on Efacec’s CLP 500SCC platform, integrating the new BCU 500 Bay Control Unit, also by Efacec, as well as integrating third party digital protections, according to the mentioned standard.

Within the same scope, one local control centre was also installed, based on Efacec’s SCATE X.

From the experience, it was possible to conclude that the utilisation of systems based on the IEC 61850 standard allows interoperating different types of compliant devices, from different vendors, in the same system and on the same communication network. This kind of solution guarantees the benefit of the advantages of a distributed database, stimulated in real time, for the purposes of Protection, Automation, Interlocking, Control, etc.

The implementation of the standard allows integration with new software applications, both at the Commissioning and Diagnosis levels, as well as at Engineering and Automation Configuration levels, leveraging added value for the Substation Automation Systems implementation.


Detail of the public session – Efacec’s presentation

Detail of the public session – REN’s presentation

Detail of the Fanhões Substation Automation System

Detail of the visit outside the Fanhões Substation