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No. 8 - July 2008


»» Order from the Paraguayan company ANDE

Recently, Efacec has received an order from the Paraguayan company ANDE (Administración Nacional de Electricidad) for the extension of 4 substations of 220 kV.


The project, valued at around 13 million Euros, will be carried out by a partnership between Efacec do Brasil and Efacec Engenharia, with the participation of a local Paraguayan company, TECMONT, which will be in charge of small-scale construction and assembly of equipment.


This project will include Efacec’s technology for Substation Automation, based on CLP 500SCC (Distributed Platform for Supervision, Control and Protection), which integrates Bay Control Units based on BCU 500, also by Efacec. The proposed solution is based on the IEC 61850 standard.


This bidding is financed by BID – Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, and is the first phase of a development programme for Paraguay’s electricity grid, called “Programa Multifase de Transmisión Eléctrica”, being this one the first step of this program implementation.


It should be noted that Efacec won the offer in direct competition with the greatest international players in the sector and with Spanish, Brazilian and Colombian engineering and construction companies.


Efacec’s offer was chosen as it offered the best technical quality / price ratio, representing another important reference in the South American continent.


Source: ef@news May 2008, by Francisco Sabino