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No. 7 - April 2008


»» Order from EDP Produção, Portugal
In the domestic market, EFACEC received an order from EDP Produção, for the supply of telecontrol systems for a set of 14 small hydro power plants.

EDP Hydro Power Plant

The scope of supply, of turn-key type, includes the following EFACEC manufacturing systems:

14 systems based on CLP 500FEP platform, with diskless technology, its UC 500E central unit being characterized by a high MTBF and a low MTTR. Each system works as a gateway of several equipments in each power plant, integrated in a solution for the Telecontrol of the 14 small hydro power plants
1 redundant SCADA system (LINUX version) based on SCATE X, for the Control Centre implementation, from which it is performed the telecontrol of the 14 small hydro power plants.
The power plants and their respective power are described bellow, organized by zones:
- Vinhais zone
      Nunes (10 MW)
      Torga (10 MW)
      Rebordelo (10 MW)
      Bouçoais-Sonim (10 MW)
- Vila Real zone
      Sordo (10 MW)
      Terragido (10 MW)
- Resende zone
      Ovadas (6.5 MW)
- Albergaria zone
      Palhal (2.62 MW)
- Viseu zone
      Fagilde (2.9 MW)
- Penacova zone
      Penacova (10 MW)
- Unhais da Serra zone
      Estrela (0.7 MW)
      Alforfa (2.5 MW)
      Pedra da Figueira (2.5 MW)
      Nave (1.5 MW)

The EFACEC knowledge and vast experience in telecontrol systems and automation of hydro power plants and small hydro power plants allows maximizing the satisfaction level of its clients, by means of the flexibility, performance and high availability of the offered solutions.